I’m all for creativity when it comes to events, but a McDonald’s wedding is definitely pushing it. McDonald’s outlets in Hong Kong are now offering “McWeddings.”
The complete package, launched in January, includes pink invitation cards emblazoned with golden arches, McDonald’s food, wedding gifts and decor featuring the Hamburglar and Ronald McDonald, all for 9,999 Hong Kong dollars ($1,270). Couples can also shell out extra to rent a “white balloon” gown or purchase a balloon corsage and balloon wedding cake.
On Valentine’s Day, a man threw a surprise engagement party for his girlfriend at a McDonald’s offering weddings and other formal events. The “cake” was a stack of apple pies, and the couple received a pair of commemorative crystal M rings. It was the first formal booking, but McDonald’s said two wedding parties are confirmed for this year and 70 other couples are in talks.
Just in case you think I’m making this up, check out the promotional pictures below.
Found it here.
Filed under: random things, surprising things, weird things